Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Some days are tough

Sometimes Sofi is a completely different child. When her anxiety is bad, she is overwhelmed by everything and demands a very rigid schedule and environment. Something so small as her cheese not lining-up exactly right on her sandwich can send her into a panic attack. Those days are pretty hard for both of us. 

Other days are difficult, but are doable as long as we have a lot of flexibility. These are days when I have to re-think everything I had planned and we have to take a deep breath. These are the days that she is in charge and we have hit a road-block in her journey that day. So we just have to stop.

Other days she is happy, motivated child and excited about everything.

I really never know what child is going to show up each day.

Today was a difficult day.

Sofi has sleeping problems related to her anxiety. She has a hard time staying asleep and frequently sleep-walks. At home this isn't a huge deal because the dogs notify me if she tries to go downstairs. On trips however, we have to be careful because she has actually tried to leave the hotel room. 

The biggest issue with her sleep problems is that sometimes she wakes up exhausted. That is what happened this morning. She got up really early thinking it was 10 and started making her bed and getting ready. She then "woke-up" and realized it was still early morning and tried to go back to sleep but it was too late. She was awake.

So with her being extra tired today, school was difficult. We had to take a lot of deep breaths, take a lot of breaks, and choose activities that were simple. Like coloring state pages instead of jumping into Geography online. 

We also made pages for her Bible book she is making. This was mostly cutting and gluing because she just wasn't able to focus on the stories behind the art project. But that is ok. 

We happen to have a movie that talks about people in Nepal, so she asked if she could have some quiet time and just watch that (since we are studying India/SE Asia) The dogs were happy to join her. 

After that and a few minutes outside, she was able to work on some vocabulary and some math.
But with a few tears.

Math is really difficult for Sofi. She struggles with any type of abstract thought. Time, distance, place are all hard for her. She doesn't understand days/years, states/cities/countries, etc. We still explain time in terms of sleeps. Math is super hard for this reason, and we find ourselves constantly having to go back and "restart" lessons that should have become permanent. 

Today was a review on place value and it immediately sent her into a panic attack. Mom had to "stop, drop and roll." Stop talking; drop the original plan; and roll with a new way of teaching the concept. With a bit of practice and these wonderful blocks she began to remember it.

I think these blocks have been the best purchase I have ever made for homeschool. We use them for so many things because she can touch them and manipulate them. They are real.

Lastly, Sofi went to her  private swimming lesson. We found the most amazing swimming instructor many months ago. She understand Sofi's delays and helps her learn to use her feet and arms correctly. Sofi is a wonderful swimmer underwater, but she doesn't swim on top of the water using strokes. She has a hard time crossing midline and so there are some movements she can't make without someone holding her limbs and moving them for her. That is why I love Jaimee. She really sees the issues and isn't afraid to grab her legs and make her body kick correctly. 

I am so thankful for those around me who help navigate the challenges we face on a regular basis. It really does take a village.

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